Category Archives: covid 19

Memorial Day Weekend On The Roadways Navigating Covid-19 and Travel Tips

We honor those who have fought for our country and died in military service. This weekend many people will visit cemeteries with some volunteers placing flags on the graves of the brave soldiers.

Find out more about Memorial Day Here

Are you getting away this Memorial Day weekend? According to AAA auto club more than 37 million people will travel over this Memorial Day weekend and nearly 6 million less than last year during the Covid.

AAA has provided a Travel Restrictions map with the latest information to help you plan your trip Here and safety information for travelers who are not vaccinated Here.

Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

Drivers should be well rested and alert, use their seat belts, observe speed limits and follow the rules of the road. If someone is planning on drinking alcohol, they should designate a driver who won’t be drinking.

• Drivers should give their full attention to the road.
• Avoid distractions such as cell phones.
• Leave ample room when behind other vehicles.
• Use caution in work zones.
• Make frequent stops when traveling long distances.
• Clean the vehicle’s lights and windows, especially at night.
• Turn the headlights on as dusk approaches, or during inclement weather.
• Use high beams on rural roads unless approaching or following a vehicle.
• Refill the vehicle’s gas tank before it gets too low. If there is trouble with the car, pull as far as possible off the road.

Travelers should pay attention to the weather forecast for their destination.
Travel and weather web sites can help them avoid storms and other regional challenges that could impact their safety. To be ready for unexpected problems:
• Carry an Emergency Preparedness Kit in the trunk.
• Pack high protein snacks, water, first aid kit, flashlight, a small battery-operated radio, an emergency contact card with names and phone numbers, extra prescription medications and important documents or information that may be needed.
• Travelers should let someone know their destination, route, and expected arrival time. If you get stuck along the way, help can be sent along the predetermined route.
If your traveling with a pet, here are some tips to make their trip more enjoyable.

Have a safe and very enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend!

Photo Courtesy of jkmoller11 at

Covid-19 – Anxiety and How to Cope

This Corona-virus – Covid-19 pandemic has been changing the way we live around the world. What can you do to keep yourself, your loved ones and the people you come in contact with, healthy. It is the first and foremost objective and with that comes anxiety.

Taking care of you physically:

Wash your hands

It seems many of us may have been doing this wrong! Not a quick soap up and rinse off of your hands before heading out the door or your next project, but to actually spend 20 seconds at the sinks washing thoroughly. Not a problem.

Mask or no mask

If your not in a field of work that requires a mask, your not accustomed to wearing one all day or from patient to patient visits when necessary in the medical field. Today we are all getting lessons on how to wear them, and what not to do, (keep hands away from face, do not fuss with the mask). The most alarming thing about the masks is the medical hero’s who need them are in such short supply. See what you can do to help out with that here!

Survival Mode

Staying home the first few days may have felt like a mini vacation from your busy life, but your new day to day routine at home has you realizing that life is going to be this way for more then a leisurely vacation .

The trip to the grocery store can be filled with apprehension while trying to implement social distancing. Going out to eat, meeting with friends at a local pub are options put on hold for a little while until they slowly open again. Even with that, our lives will be different with social distancing and the options of wearing a mask. Many small businesses are suffering and will new rules will need to be implemented to accommodate their customers.

So we have to make the best we can of a situation that has disrupted our lives with an invisible monster and feel like we are waking up everyday in a survival state of mind. The wonder of what is going to happen in the future, worries about your loved ones, paying your bills, its all there and can build up anxiety. Counteracting that anxiety is key and using coping techniques to help us all through this hard time.

Taking care of you mentally

Lori Helms, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Sebring, Florida has a very helpful article about experiencing anxiety and how to cope. Take a few minutes to see how this can help you or someone you know.

COVID-19: Coping With Anxiety During This Difficult Time

Prayers for all to keep healthy!



Photo courtesy of Wokandapix at