How To Easily Change Your Auto Insurance Company

id-100347129One of the biggest reasons we hear for changing insurance are lower rates and better policy value. Other popular reasons for changing insurance are Group Coverage for family or business, adding a driver or family member or another vehicle to a current insurance policy.

There are many ways that Budget Bi Rite can help you lower the cost of your auto, homeowners or other insurance coverage and find the best policy for you. Switching from your old insurance company to a new insurance company is not hard to do. Today we are focusing on Auto Insurance but please give us a call if you are shopping for a new policy in other areas.

If you are considering this before your renewal date on your current policy, you do not want a lapse in your insurance. So, when you go with a new company, put that in place and then contact your other insurance company immediately to cancel your old policy and ask them about a refund for any days left on that policy.

You may want to consider changing when your current policy is up for renewal. You should receive a notice for renewal 30 days for your current policy. Be sure you have your new insurance policy ready to start by the time the current policy ends. We will be able to time the beginning of the new policy to coincide with the cancellation of your prior coverage.

It is against the law to drive without insurance in the state of Florida, you must carry a minimum level of auto insurance. Do not take a chance of getting into an accident with no coverage.

Thinking of changing? We offer insurance for every budget! Contact us today. Let us know your needs. We can find exactly what policy is best for you, give you a quote right over the phone and have your policy issued in just minutes.

We are authorized agents for over 10 top companies and our company takes pride is keeping updated on the most current changes in the Insurance market to get you the best rates!

Call us today to at 863-453-3903


Serving All of Florida



Photo Courtesy of fantasista. at

Happy New Year 2023 Goal Inspiration

It’s that time of year again, when we reflect on the past year and what we want to change in this brand-new year coming up. How many New Year’s Resolutions do you want to set and how many do you intend on achieving? New goals, can help make this year better like focusing on eating healthier, losing weight, getting more organized or trying something new.

Put yourself to the challenge, don’t give up so easily in the second week of January, because the diet you started on New Year’s Day has gotten old or cleaning out the garage is not quite finished. From being more organized, trying a new craft to saving for those pair of shoes you thought you could only dream of wearing; every day of 2023 can be a day closer to the goals you set for the new year and maybe a few you want to add on to your list.

We have put a board to start with on Pinterest to help us visualize our goals called Inspiration for 2023.  There is plenty of inspiration at Pinterest… redecorating, recipes, crafts, travel, reading a new book, hair styles, and so much more.

We find this easier than following a list and checking things off. The photos do the talking.  Take a look at the board and maybe do one of your own. You can make your board private or share it with the world, who knows maybe one of your goals will inspire someone else and make their life better.

Happy New Year :}


How To Easily Use Candles to Brighten up your Christmas Decor

Candles can be a great way to decorate for the holidays and can be inexpensive to do. You can display candles on a fireplace mantel along with your garland or use them on coffee tables, at your entrance and of course the dining table where you will enjoy a holiday feast.

The has wonderful ways to decorate with candles and offers links with even more amazing information.

Head on over to their article for Easy and Elegant Christmas Candle Decorating Ideas

Better Homes and Gardens also offer pretty ways to decorate with their Easy Christmas Candle Displays and you can find those ideas Here!

Safety Tips:
Do not burn candles unattended
Do not allow candles to burn in a draft
Keep candles away from reach for children and pets
Keep away for all flammable objects


Merry Christmas!

Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941, Remembrance Day

On December 7th, 1941, Japan attacked the Naval Base at Oahu, Hawaii. A day later President Franklin D Roosevelt gave his Infamy Speech stating “A Day that will live in infamy” and America was now entering WWll.
Thank you to all the men and women who bravely protect our country then and now.

How to Prepare, Cook and Carve a Thanksgiving Turkey

Cooking a Thanksgiving Turkey really comes down to four easy steps.

The preparation of the Turkey starts with whether it is fresh or frozen. No one wants to wake up Thanksgiving morning to a half-frozen turkey, so defrosting ahead of time is essential. According to the USDA you will need at least 1 day per 4 -5 pounds of turkey defrost in the refrigerator.

Here is a chart for thawing in the refrigerator:

4 to 12 pounds – 1-3 days
12 to 16 pounds – 3-4 days
16 to 20 pounds – 4-5 days
20 to 24 pounds – 5-6 days

There is another method you can use by submerging the wrapped turkey in cold water and changing the water out every 30 minutes.

4 to 12 pounds – 2 to 6 hours
12 to 16 pounds – 6 to 8 hours
16 to 20 pounds -8 to 10 hours
20 to 24 pounds – 10 to 12 hours

Now that you have a defrosted turkey it’s time to move onto the next steps, preparing, stuffing and flavor.

Easy Roast Turkey for Beginners for the Holidays!

Stuffing with Sausage

How To Carve A Turkey

Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving!








Photo Courtesy of Apolonia at